To set the timout for a SSH connection with a host, insert the following line into the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

ClientAliveInterval 60
ClientAliveCountMax 10

This sets a timout of 10 minutes (10 * 60 seconds).


After this changes you have to restart the ssh daemon

sudo service sshd restart

For communication with SSH you often need a private/public key pair.

To create this you can user the tool puttygen which comes with the PuTTY installation (see:

Open the application puttygen:


Now click “Generate” and follow the hints. (more…)

Sometime ago, we changed our repository to mercurial, for this was a good way to hold a history on all clients.
If you want to connect to a remote repository, your should always consider using SSH.
So here is an example for a connection string with TortoisHg:

Default = ssh://username@remote_host//home/username/repository

and keep in mind to use a double slash after the remote host name! (more…)